Your opportunities to get to know ERICH JAEGER
Formación continua
Siempre que podemos, apoyamos la formación en temas específicos para nuestros empleados. Estamos convencidos de que la adquisición de nuevas cualificaciones no solo es importante para el desarrollo de cada empleado, sino que también es crucial para el éxito general de la empresa. Especialmente en tiempos de evolución económica, tecnológica y social, el mercado de trabajo y nuestra vida laboral cotidiana cambian constantemente y exigen diferentes competencias a nuestros empleados. Como empresa del sector del automóvil, debemos ser flexibles y dinámicos para adaptarnos a estos cambios.
Además de múltiples formaciones en el puesto de trabajo, ERICH JAEGER ha apoyado en el pasado varios programas de MBA asumiendo parcialmente los costes. Queremos seguir sacando provecho de esta experiencia y te ofrecemos la oportunidad de completar tu formación y tus estudios con nosotros, ¡en cualquier momento de tu carrera!
Con el fin de adquirir experiencia y competencias específicas, Diego, Yinghua, Michael y Benjamin recibieron el apoyo de la empresa para continuar su formación y completaron su MBA mientras trabajaban.
Leer la historia de Michael →
Leer la historia de Benjamin →
Descubre más sobre las formaciones de Mareike en ingeniería mecánica, tecnología de automatización y más.
Cooperación internacional
Como empresa global, ERICH JAEGER necesita reunir varias culturas diferentes bajo un mismo techo. El trabajo en equipo y la comprensión intercultural son esenciales para el éxito de la cooperación internacional.
En varias tareas de expatriados, nuestros empleados apoyan a otras filiales, por ejemplo, en la optimización de procesos o la introducción de nuevos sistemas.
Forma parte de una empresa multicultural y trabaja en proyectos de todo el mundo.
En estas entrevistas, Yinghua y Helmut cuentan su experiencia con nuestras filiales en China y la República Checa.
Leer la historia de Yinghua →
Employee Stories
Diego Patino
Key Account Manager at Erich Jaeger France Sarl
"I had 100% support from my superiors all the time. They answered any kind of questions about technical details or about the company. Thanks to them, I was able to reach the level that I’m at today."
Yinghua Wang
Head of Development of the JAEGER Group
"If you're only in one country, you might only be aware of what is happening on the surface. But to really visit the factory on site and talk to the people over a longer period of time, that trains compassion and understanding among each other."
Benjamin Hieke
Head of Wire Harness Development at Erich Jaeger in Friedberg, Germany.
"In 2016, I asked our managing director at that time which kind of career opportunities were available for young employees at ERICH JAEGER. He then suggested that a degree was necessary to advance to management level. I then found a suitable correspondence course at the Technical University in Friedberg. Normally, a bachelor's degree is a prerequisite for a master's degree, and fortunately the THM offered this in a package, so I had the opportunity to complete both degrees."
Kirstin Mattern
Project Manager Components and Systems at Erich Jaeger in Friedberg, Germany
"Nothing is impossible. There is always a solution, even if the path to achieving the goal has to be adapted. Adapting or changing goals is not a defeat but holds new opportunities."
Jonathan Liabenow
Sales Representative at Erich Jaeger in Livonia, USA
Jonathan Liabenow:
"Coming from somebody who did not come to the automotive industry through the normal channel, I would say networking is extremely important for building relationships with people…"
Helmut Michalke
Head of Supply Chain Management at Erich Jaeger in Friedberg, Germany
"Intercultural competence is very important here and the international teams are a real enrichment. Every culture is different, but in the end everyone is the same and has their own problems and goals. There is a different working atmosphere at each location. In China, for example, I regularly played basketball with colleagues."
Mareike Moeglich
Project Manager Components and Systems at Erich Jaeger in Friedberg, Germany
"It used to be much less common than it is today for girls to pursue a technical profession. I was 16 when I started. And as a 16-year-old girl, I was really an outsider, or rather a rarity. (…) But I never perceived the issue as a problem here. It was rather pleasant for everyone that a woman was finally part of the team."
Roman Jašek
Production Manager at Erich Jaeger, s.r.o. in the Czech Republic
"It is important to set priorities and plan your time correctly. It's not very easy in challenging situations, but without priorities you solve everything and nothing as a result."
Timo Schadwinkel
"Be open and take the opportunity to work on as many projects as possible - even if they don't always involve tasks from the training programme!"
Kristin Mosch
Personnel Specialist at Erich Jaeger in Friedberg, Germany
"From payroll- and time-management to recruiting and employee motivation, there's everything in terms of HR tasks. Since we're a relatively small company, that makes it very diverse."
Oscar Gonzalez
Head of Strategic Purchasing at Erich Jaeger Mexico S. de R.L. de C.V.
"We are a global company and thankfully we have colleagues working all over the world that support each other."