The term “conflict minerals" refers to critical raw materials that are mined in the Democratic Republic of the Congo or nine neighbouring countries that are subject to conditions of violent conflict. The term "conflict minerals” is understood under the Dodd-Frank Act to cover the raw materials tantalum, tin, gold, and tungsten, when these raw materials are extracted and traded to finance or otherwise support armed groups in the DR Congo or neighbouring countries (Angola, Burundi, Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Zambia, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Central African Republic).

The aim of the scheme is to prevent the financing of armed groups in DR Congo through raw material production and trade. This is due to persistent conflicts, particularly in regions in eastern DR Congo ("Great Lakes Region"), which have a significant negative impact on the population living there and create a precarious humanitarian situation.

Sec. 1502 Dodd-Frank Act does not prohibit the use of conflict minerals, but works on a "name and shame” principle. The regulation is designed to ensure that companies do not finance armed conflicts with the raw materials they use, in order to avoid reputational risk.

Conflict Minerals Reporting:

The report includes

  • Description of the measures to be taken with regard to due diligence in the supply chain,
  • Description of the products that are “not DRC-conflict-free",
  • Description of the industrial processors (metallurgical plant/smeltery), country of origin and
  • Description of the measures for determining origin/locality of the conflict raw materials with the greatest possible accuracy

Conflict Minerals Reporting Template (CMRT)

CMRT was developed as a free, standardised report template by the Conflict-Free Sourcing Initiative (CFSI). This template is used to facilitate the transfer of information on the supply chain, mineral country of origin, smelting and refining. The template also facilitates the identification of new smelting and refining potentially subject to a check on the Conflict-Free Smelter Program CFSI.

Other requirements

We request the suppliers of the companies of the Jaeger Group to tell us whether their products contain conflict raw materials, and if so, whether they originate from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DR Congo, DRC) or neighbouring countries.

Conflict materials: Gold, tin, tantalum and tungsten

If so, we are obliged to create a "Conflict Minerals Report Template" (CMRT) and to provide a report.

Conflict Minerals Report Template => Download

You can send us the confirmation by means of the contact data or via iPoint-systems.

We are at your disposal for any questions.