Our Environmental Policy
At ERICH JAEGER, we are committed to avoiding environmental impact from our operations and products as much as possible. We proactively counteract climate change as well as the damage to our ecosystems. This is done through various measures, from the sustainable use of resources to the consistent recycling of valuable materials.
Responsible Use of Resources
We pay attention to ecological criteria when procuring raw materials, consumables or supplies as well as purchased parts. In doing so, we prefer like-minded and responsible suppliers. We are committed to procuring products and services that are as environmentally friendly as possible and pay attention to the economical use of raw and auxiliary materials, energy, water and other natural resources.
Sustainability Throughout the Company
We strive to avoid environmentally hazardous substances as early as the product development phase. The optimum design of our products, plants, machines and tools is intended to minimize the use of materials and energy. In our process development, we design the production processes with the associated machinery to be as energy-saving and efficient as possible. It is our constant task and obligation to continuously monitor and reduce environmental and safety-related risks for the buildings and workplaces.
Environmental Management for Continuous Optimization
We actively promote the improvement of energy and environmental performance through the continuous development of our environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001. To this end, we set strategic and operational targets and regularly evaluate and optimize our use of resources and energy. We provide the necessary financial and structural basis as well as the required information for this purpose and check whether the targets set are being achieved. We regularly record and analyze the main environmental aspects and their updates, plan appropriate measures for optimization and implement them promptly.
We actively and sustainably promote awareness and knowledge of environmental and energy issues among our employees through training and information media. We make our environmental policy available to all interested parties.
For further questions concerning our environmental topics, please feel free to send us an e-mail: Umwelterich-jaeger.de