2P coil (without plug/socket)

Article Number016559


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Product information

Name 2P coil (without plug/socket)
Article Number 016559
Categories Coil , Accessories
Standards VG 96927-12
Industries Defense vehicles
Peak current / short-term load [in A] 245
Rated current / permanent load [in A] 135
Temperature resistance [in °C] -40.0 - 80.0
Voltage [in V] 24
Special feature nested cable
Cable color black/red
Material of cable PUR
No. of connected plugs 0
No. of connected sockets 0
No. of poles 02
Max. extension length [in m] 6,00
No. of coils 9
Outer coil diameter [in mm] 70,00
Wire cross-sectional area 2x 35,0mm²
cable cross-sectional area [in mm] 13,50