Girls' Day 2022 at ERICH JAEGER
The Girls’ Day is an annual event organized by different German ministries and institutions with the aim to interest girls in job profiles that differ from a traditionally female job outline. Students from grades 5 to 10 can gain practical experience and insights into workshops, labs, and more. This day allows girls to make contacts, to get familiar with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics practices and to break with gender role stereotypes.
One Day in the Electronics Department
This year’s Girls’ Day, which was on April 28, ERICH JAEGER welcomed two students at their location in Friedberg. The two girls spent a day looking over the shoulders of the colleagues from electronics development. They conducted several experiments and tests to get an idea about the daily business of an electrical engineer in the automotive industry.
All About Control Units
Their day began by learning everything important about control units: What is the difference between hard- and software? What is a system? Next, the technical employees introduced the girls to the development process of control units. They learned about what is done until the product is ready and can be sold.
Measuring, Experimenting and Soldering
After talking about the basics of measurement technology – measuring current and voltage and handling multimeter and oscilloscope – the two girls conducted tests and measurements on a trailer control unit fit for LED technology and on a prototype of a control device for a dynamic indicator.
As a last step of the day, the girls were introduced into soldering practices. They learned which components and materials are needed and how to handle the various devices such as a thick and a thin soldering tip. At the end, the girls soldered components to a circuit board.