Hand crimping tool for 4-notch crimping

with stopper bush for contact sockets and pins:ABS/24 V (ISO 7638-1)ABS/12 V (ISO 7638-2)15P/24 V (ISO 12098)13P/24 V (similar ISO 12098)

Article Number361040

Product information

Name Hand crimping tool for 4-notch crimping
Article Number 361040
Description with stopper bush for contact sockets and pins:ABS/24 V (ISO 7638-1)ABS/12 V (ISO 7638-2)15P/24 V (ISO 12098)13P/24 V (similar ISO 12098)
Categories Accessories , Socket , Crimping Tool , Plug
Standards ISO 12098 - 13P version , ISO 7638-1 , ISO 7638-2 , ISO 12098
Industries Commercial vehicles
Voltage [in V] 12 , 24
Special feature not suitable for JAEGER Basic , not suitable for JAEGER Expert
Type of accessory hand crimping tool for 4-notch crimping
No. of poles 07 , 13 , 15
Addition to standard ABS , ADR , EBS